Movie reviews

Beautiful Dreamers (1990)
“I believe we’re doing this for your own good.” If one were a patient in an insane asylum in Europe or North America in the

‘night, Mother (1986)
Before the curtain falls: “Death is dark and quiet. No one will ever be able to get me. Hang a big sign on my neck—GONE

The Swimmer (1968)
Some heroes take a long time getting home. Odysseus wandered for 20 years before rejoining Penelope in Ithaca. Gilgamesh the King returned to Uruk empty-handed

The Brother From Another Planet (1984) When John Sayles went looking for financing for his 1984 film The Brother from Another Planet, the following conversation probably did not take

The Secret of NIMH (1982)
The rumours are false. I did not, repeat, did not, panic when the editors of the Review suggested that I choose a film that

Pennies From Heaven (1981)
Dr. Jekyll, meet Mr. Hyde Steve Martin, meet Arthur Dent. I don’t know if an actor has ever been sued for deliberately traumatizing her

The Wicker Man (1973)
Oooooh, what a wicked little movie. Robin Hardy’s The Wicker Man, that is. Polymorphously perverse, to steal an expression. Suggested Alternate Title: Sergeant Howie Meets

Paris, Texas (1984)
“Amid the confusion of our mysterious world, individuals are so nicely adjusted to a system, and system to one another, and to a whole,

Runaway Train (1985)
Do adventure stories get any better than this? Nah. The emphasis here is on the word story. Think back to your high school days when

The Wanderers (1979)
Everyone knows that the real power in the North Bronx in ’63 was in the hands of the Italian Bowling League—big men wearing loud Hawaiian

Paths of Glory (1957)
War To the victors go the history books. The generals know this. This is the knowledge that motivates atrocities. For the losers in war

Farewell, My Lovely (1975)
Conversation overheard in a Chinese barbershop, between a private dick and a Chinese fence. The fence opens: “Yes?” “Fei tsui jade.” “No, I no